Got to send out a little love to the boys and what’s better than to talk about: Full beards, five o’clock shadow and Fu Manchu’s, that’s right, I am talking facial hair!
What’s in, what’s out and what a woman wants, can sometimes be one and the same. Some women totally dig a man with a full manly beard, while others can’t stand even a thin mustache. It’s a lot about preference, but seriously, it’s YOUR face. And what you like should matter most. However, there ARE some simple do’s and don’ts.
Do: Groom. That means, trim, clean, shape, whatever facial hair design you got growing.
Don’t: Grow a beard if you don’t have enough hair to pull it off. Seriously, if it’s a straggly mess you’re just going to look like a kid in puberty.
Do: Change it up. Change your style sometimes, pay attention to what’s in, but don’t obsess. If you like a full beard with red or blue tips, go for it. But stay aware of what’s out there. You don’t want to date yourself or get too stuck. Change is good.
Do: Use the proper tools. Use real scissors, not the kiddie plastic handle paper scissors you found lying around. The right tools will make grooming and maintenance much easier.
Don’t: Trim your beard or mustache when it’s wet. When your hair is wet the strands appear longer and if you trim at that time you’ll end up with stubby facial hair. So trim when it’s dry so you can see how it’s really going to look.
Do: Use good product on your facial hair. Use a good shampoo and even a conditioner. It will keep the hairs from drying out, from breaking and will make it softer against a lady’s face. Beard Oils are a thing, a MUST. I suggest checking out the BadAss Beard Care. These Guys know beards!
Do: Seek professional help! That’s right, utilize the skills of a professional Barber. He knows what he’s doing and he will hook you up right! Also it’s a real treat to let yourself be pampered every once and a while.
So what’s in right now? A smooth clean face is always nice when kissing, however a little roughness, some stubble gives a guy a sexy edge. And you know how girl’s like their bad boys.
Goatee’s are always in, different shapes, with or without an attached or even unattached mustache. Side burns, beards, different colors, it’s all up to you. What’s in seems to be personal expression. So try it out, experiment and find what fits you.
Method Makeup Academy, Seattle’s Makeup School