Who doesn’t love a pedicure! The foot massage, the hot water and if you’re lucky the massage chair. Not to mention the bright, fun colors that make your toes look so pretty.
Pedicures are great, but there are a few precautions every woman should take.
Pedicure basins are breeding grounds for bacteria and disease, countless feet are placed in them, with who knows what fungi attached. Just the sheer possibilities of what could be swimming in that warm water can be terrifying.
But do not despair, follow these simple precautions and you will save your feet and yourself from some nasty bacteria.
1. Be the first appointment. That’s right, schedule your appointments so that you are the first customer to sit in that chair. By state law each salon should run disinfectant through each chair for 8 hours each night. Each basin should have been thoroughly sanitized. So being the first client means no bacteria should be lingering to infest your feet.
2. Don’t shave your legs that morning. I know none of you want to show up to your pedicure with hairy legs, and I am not suggesting that you do. But freshly shaved legs have open pores, not to mention any razor nicks that might have occurred. These are just open and waiting for any potential bacteria to get inside. So be a good girl and shave the night before.
3. Pay attention. Look around you when you enter the salon. Are they disinfecting the basins after each of their clients? How clean and sanitary is the bathroom or the stations? These will be indicators on if they follow proper sanitation procedures for their pedicure stations.
Well I hope these three simple steps will keep you all safe and sound. Now get out there and enjoy being pampered!
Method Makeup Academy, Seattle’s Makeup School