We’ve had one heck of a weird summer! We’ve got hot weather where is should be cold, we’ve got cold weather when it should be hot. We’ve got rain instead of shine and now we’re sweltering in over 100 degree weather! It’s wreaking some serious havoc on our summer tanning!
Personally I can’t tan to save my life, however, for those of you who can hold a lovely golden tan, this tumultuous weather can be very discouraging. The sun hasn’t been out in a steady fashion, so you’re pale and beginning to consider if you should go Goth or not. Well, before you decide something that drastic, here are a few tips that may brighten up your day.
Tanning Beds. Ok, if your budget doesn’t allow, or you’re afraid of developing wrinkles, this may not be the option for you, but it’s still a good and valid choice over pale skin. For one it helps your body produce Vitamin D, which is a great mood enhancer and something your body craves. However! This is important; you do not need to expose your body to long periods in a Tanning Bed. It’s the same as lying out in the sun and you risk more than just getting sunburned. You do not need to risk a melanoma just to get a little color. So fifteen minutes max a few times a week will boost your Vitamin D levels and get a little golden going.
Fake Tanner. So, if you don’t want to risk any form of skin damage that you might encounter with the tanning bed, you can always go the way of the fake tanner. Now I know some of you are screaming NO! I understand you have grave misgivings about using anything that comes in a squeeze bottle and boasts an even golden tan. You’ve seen or experienced all the orange, streaky skin you care to. Well, I have a product that is amazing and if you apply it properly you will not have to worry about either of those. It’s called Vichy Self-Tanning Cream. This stuff is amazing! Made in France you can find it online at Amazon and other places, but I don’t think you’ll be able to find it at your local Rite Aid. This stuff gives you an amazing streak free tan with none of that annoying orange shade you so fear. It’s a healthy and beautiful way to get a summer sun kissed look.
Spray Tanning. This third option can be a very nice, if somewhat pricey choice. In average a spray tan can be anywhere from $25 to $50 a go. Good news is it will last a good week. Sometimes longer if you happen to have dry skin. There is one disclaimer I will say though. Do NOT go to the tanning booths. These sprays on tans are not even and leave strange little places that are as white as you don’t want to be. So, find yourself a personalized custom spray tanner. These will give you a smooth, even and beautiful tan. You might even be able to get them to do a little creative contouring!
So, hopefully these tips have helped you on your quest for a beautiful beachy tan.
Method Makeup Academy, Seattle’s Makeup School