It is so important to keep your brushes clean. Dirty brushes can make your makeup application muddy, can cause your brushes to age prematurely and most concerning cause skin irritation. Which is why it is so important to clean your brushes properly. I try to do a nice deep clean for my brushes at least once a month.
Personally find that good old fashion Dawn Dish Soap, the Anti-bacterial one, NOT the Bleach One, is the best brush cleaner. It’s gentle on the brushes, doesn’t damage them, and breaks down the oils that build up in them and best of all its cheap! So, if you want to go that route, here’s a quick recipe for deep cleaning your brushes with Dawn Dish Soap (Not all dish soap works as well, but you can use other brands in a pinch).
- Put a half inch of scalding hot water in the bottom of a small cup.
- Squeeze in a small squirt of Dawn dish soap, swirl it and the water together.
- Place in all brushes, making sure that the water doesn’t come up too high on the actual wood of the brush.
- Allow to soak for no more than 10 minutes. If you soak too long the water can absorb up into the wooden handles which can cause them to expand. Once they are expanded and start to dry they can constrict and crack.
- After they have soaked, swirl the brushes in your palm to scrub out the makeup.
- Rinse well in scalding hot water.
- Squeeze the water out of the brush, shape them into their proper shape and lay out on a towel to air dry.
- Allow to dry overnight.
And there you have it!
Method Makeup Academy, Seattle’s Makeup School